Raphoe Safeguarding Children Office

Contact Details: Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Cathedral Square, Letterkenny, Co Donegal, F92 HP66

Tel: 074 912 5669 Email:  safeguarding@raphoediocese.ie

Garda Vetting enquiries to: gardavetting@raphoediocese.ie 

Safeguarding Children Policy Statement


The Gospel teaches the importance of ensuring that the Catholic Church community is a warm, welcoming and safe place for children.

Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it. (Mark 10:14-15)

Children are gifts from God, to be cherished and recognised for the joyful contribution they make as valued members of the Church.

Our challenge is to follow the example of Jesus in cherishing them. Safeguarding is key to this important task and should be seen, not as a burden, but as an opportunity to embrace and encourage children’s ministry, following the example of Jesus Christ.

This Church body pledges to safeguard children and young people from harm and to support them in their development as valued and integral members of the Catholic Church in Ireland. The Church’s ministry will be inclusive and will uphold their rights.

Consistent with Gospel values, and with civil and criminal law, those who minister will do so with dignity and integrity, honouring their calling to ensure that children and young people are welcomed, cherished and protected, following the example set by Jesus.

This Safeguarding Children Policy will be honoured and complied with by all ordained clerics, by vowed female and male religious, and by all lay staff and volunteers in the Catholic Church in Ireland.

Mgr Kevin Gillespie

Diocesan Administrator.


Nurturing a Culture of Safeguarding National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland – View all the guidance


Contact Details

If you have been abused in the past or have a concern about the welfare and safety of a child, please contact:

Designated Liaison Person, Margaret Northage:  086 2183011

or alternatively you can go directly to the Gardaí or Túsla who are the Child & Family Agency.

Gardaí National Protective Services Bureau:  01 6663430 or 01 6663435

Letterkenny Garda Station:  074 91 67100

Túsla – Child and Family Agency:  074 9102233


The following counselling & support services are available:

Towards Healing – is an independent organisation providing free professional counselling and support for people who have suffered clerical abuse.  Free counselling is also available for spouse/partner.  The service is offered in a safe and respectful manner and is appropriate to the person’s needs.  Contact Details: Tuesday to Friday 9am – 5pm. Freephone 1800 303 416. Hearing-impaired Text line number: 085 8022859 or go to www.towardshealing.ie 


Towards Peace – The vision of Towards peace is to provide a safe supportive space, where people who have been affected by abuse in a Church context can be accompanied as they seek their own experience of spiritual peace, one step at a time. Towards Peace realises that abuse by Church personnel in particular, may have an especially traumatic impact on spirituality, shattering a person’s sense of wholeness , rupturing their inherent trust of their own goodness and sacredness, and fracturing their relationship with the presence of God within themselves and tier lives. We are very much aware that this kind of abuse can create deep lifelong spiritual wounds.

Contact Details: Co-ordinator; Ms Una Allen, tel: 01 5053028, mobile: 086 7710533. The service is available Monday & Tuesday 9am – 4pm and on Wednesday from 9am – 12 noon. For out of office hours call 086 7710533 and leave a message. Email: towardspeace@iecon.ie  Website: www.towardspeace.ie


CARI (Children at Risk in Ireland) : Lo Call 1890 92 4567, they provide a professional, child centered therapy and counselling service to children, families, and groups who have been affected by child sexual abuse.

Rape Crisis Centre: 1800 77 8888  Samaritans:  116 123  One in Four:  01 66 24070

Download Safeguarding Information

Child Safeguarding Statement Diocese of Raphoe - Children First Act 2015
Download now (187 KB)
A Safe & Welcoming Church - Safeguarding Children Policy and Standards for the Catholic Church in Ireland, 2024
Download now (487 KB)
Safeguarding Adults who may be at Risk
Download now (735 KB)
Child Protection and Welfare Report Form
Download now (512 KB)
Retrospective Abuse Report Form
Download now (388 KB)
Safeguarding Policy Statement - English
Download now (168 KB)
Safeguarding Policy Statement - Gaeilge
Safeguarding Policy Statement - Polish
Anti-Bullying Policy
Download now (51 KB)
Whistle Blowing Policy
Download now (62 KB)
Complaints Procedure
Download now (463 KB)
Autumn Newsletter 2023
Annual Report 2019 - 2022
Newsletter 2022
Newsletter 2021
Download now (853 KB)
Annual Report for 2017 and 2018
Download now (927 KB)
Newsletter 2020
Download now (563 KB)
Children's Liturgy Poster
Download now (618 KB)
Children's Choir Poster
Download now (253 KB)
Altar Servers' Poster
Download now (331 KB)

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